Elevate Your Self-Talk

We generate 60,000 thoughts everyday, engaging in an ongoing internal dialogue.  At times, we catch ourselves thinking, “That’s a foolish question.” These moments often pull us into the past, depleting our emotional energy as we grapple with negative emotions or persistent stagnation.

But what if we could break free from this cycle? What if we could reshape our internal conversation to uplifts and guide us  empowering our road to winning more breakaway ropings victory and enhance our overall lives?

Consider this shift:

From: “Why am I so nervous? I do this all the time in the practice pen, why am I so out of control now?

To: “How can I channel this nervous energy to my advantage?  It’s normal to feel nervous; it’s part of the challenge to be the fastest on a calf.  I’ve got this.”

When your mind questions if you’ll ever reach your goals and you find yourself thinking, “What’s the point? You never win.”

Shift thoughts to: “What small step can I take right now? What if I commit to shifting my thoughts for month and break this negative pattern?  How can I make this fun?

Instead of asking, “Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t I draw a winning calf? Use this moment to explore resilience: How can I become more resilient? What does resilience mean in my life? What can I learn from a challenging situations or being the first roper out?”

Replace thoughts of inadequacy, such as “I’m not good enough. I won’t be as fast as the leading roper,” with empowering belief: I am skilled and have succeeded before.  I possess the potential to out perform anyone here.  I’ve demonstrated my abilities countless times.  I’ve got this!”

Rather than dwelling on the reasons behind someone’s actions, reframe your thoughts: “How can I be comfortable with not understanding ‘why’ and move forward? People act based on their perceptions; it’s not a reflection on me.  How can I offer support if needed?”

When faced with an unexpected challenge, like a stubborn calf, approach it with curiosity.  How can you adapt your approach or find creative solutions to manage unpredictable cattle?   By releasing judgments and embracing a growth-oriented mindset, you open the door to potential success.

Along your evolvement as a breakaway roper, as in life, our internal dialogue plays a crucial role.  By consciously reshaping our thoughts and beliefs, we can harness the power of positivity and resilience, transforming obstacles into opportunities and setbacks into stepping stones.  As you step into the arena, remember: Every thought you cultivate contributes to your success.  Embrace the change, trust in your abilities, and ride the wave of transformation toward greater achievements.  The path to victory starts within, and with each shift in your inner dialogue, you’re one step closer to claiming your well-deserved triumphs.

Stephanie Braman

Certified Life Coach

Certified Faith Based Life Coach




Unveiling the Power of Goal Setting